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PCD Faculty

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Gladden J. Pappin

  • is visiting senior fellow at the Mathias Corvinus Collegium in Budapest and associate professor of politics at the University of Dallas. He is cofounder of American Affairs and Postliberal Order. He received his AB in history and PhD in government from Harvard.


Carlos Hamel

  • is a canon lawyer in the diocese of Fréjus-Toulon, France, and the founder of Pro Civitate Dei. At his appointment as curé of La Londe, he was the youngest parish pastor in France.

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Justin Stover

  • is a quondam fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, and a lecturer at the University of Edinburgh. He holds a doctorate in Medieval Latin from Harvard University.


Guillaume de Thieulloy

  • is the editor of Le Salon Beige and numerous other Catholic websites in France. He holds a PhD in political science from the Ecôle des hautes études en sciences sociales, and is the author of four books of political theory.


Matt Menéndez

  • is one of the directors and co-founders of Pro Civitate Dei. Having done his degree at Harvard in Romance Languages, he ran the civilian weapons business at TASER. He now runs the family restaurant and studies for his sommelier exams.


Gregory DiPippo

  • is editor of the New Liturgical Movement and a noted expert on the history of liturgy, and the art, architecture and history of Rome.

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Miguel Ayuso

  • is a jurist and philosopher of Spanish law, professor of political science and constitutional law at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas. An exponent of Spanish traditionalism, he was president of the International Union of Catholic Jurists between 2009 and 2019.

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Past and Current Professors


  • Matthew Taylor

  • Dom Bede Price, OSB

  • Eric Hewett

  • Alvino-Mario Fantini

  • José Luis Widow

  • Rev. Fr. Richard Cipolla

  • Julio Alvear

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